• Warren, R. E. Mining text for meaning. Motorola Human Factors Forum, May, 2001.
• Guzman, S. J., Warren, R., Ahlenius, M. & Neves, D. Determining a set of acoustically discriminable, intuitive command words. AVIOS, April, 2001.
• Warren, R. E. Text-To-Speech (TTS) acceptability. Motorola Human Factors Forum, February, 2001.
• Warren, R. E. MPEG Video Quality, Broadband and Multi-media: Current Developments, Applications and Technologies, Comprehensive Report Series, 1997, 2, 329-331.
• Warren, R. E. Understanding and measuring subjective video quality. Tutorial presented at HCI International Conference, 1997.
• Warren, R. E. & Sullivan, B. J. MPEG Video Quality, National Communications Forum, 1996.
• Powell, G. D. & Warren, R. E. Distance learning: Do you really need broadcast quality?, League for Innovation Proceedings, 1994.
• Warren, R. E. Compressing video and distance in a learning environment, National Alliance of Community & Technical Colleges Conference, 1994.
• Warren, R. E. The death of groupware, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Chicago Chapter, 1994.
• Warren, R. E. Subjective quality of H.261 compressed video, Bellcore Symposium on User Centered Design, 1993.
• Warren, R. E. & Hayner, D. A. Subjective quality of compressed video, ITCA Teleconferencing Yearbook, 1993.
• Lund, A. M. & Warren, R. E. Guidelines for the design of video teleconferencing applications, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunications, 1993, 25-36.
• Boggs, G. J., Warren, R. E., & Lowther, D. R. Assessing ergonomic furniture in the workplace, in M.J. Smith & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: Applications and Case Studies, NewYork: Elsevier, 1993, 416-420.
• Warren, R. E. Telephone service center call duration improvement, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting, 1992, 1, 202-206.
• Lund, A. M. & Warren, R. E. Human factors design guidelines for video teleconferencing, ITCA Teleconferencing Yearbook, 1992.
• Warren, R. E. User-centered design at Ameritech, Proceedings of the Bellcore/BCC Symposium on User Centered Design, 1991, 2-3.
• Warren, R. E. & Lund, A. M. Groupware: A case study, National Communications Forum, 1991.
• Warren, R. E., and Lund, A. M. CSCW for standards generation. In Proceedings of the National Communications Forum, 45, 749, 1991.
• Warren, R. E. Judging differences in data displays, AT&T Behavioral Science Days Proceedings, 1990, 230-234.
• Warren, R. E. Failure of data-ink ratio maximization as a principle of bar chart design, Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, 1989.
• Warren, R. E. Multiple axis (X-Y-Y) graph formats, AT&T Behavioral Science Days Proceedings, 1988, 180-184.
• Warren, R. E. Scanning directionality biases: Some boggling results, Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, 1987.
• Warren, R. E. Human factors tests of multiple trend graph formats, AT&T Behavioral Science Days Proceedings, 1986, 182-186.
• Warren, R. E. Approximations to reality: Training for human factors design. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 1986, 2, 1284-1285.
• Warren, R. E. Effects of figural complexity on trend chart judgements, Psychonomic Society Meeting, 1985.
• Leppert, P. C., Margulis, E. B., Warren, R. E., Sullivan, P. D., & Ratti, R. A. Multi-user physician workstation for obstetrics and gynecology: A prototype, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, IEEE Computer Society, 1985, 492-496.
• Warren, R. E. Human factors consequences of graphics programming assumptions, AT&T Behavioral Science Days, 1985.
• Warren, R. E. Human factors in business graphics, Computerized Information Systems Meeting, Ohio State University, 1984.
• Warren, R. E. Visual search in computer graphics data displays, American Psychological Association Meeting, 1983.
• Warren, R. E. Carrying the torch for information processing: A review of "Strategies of Information Processing", G. Underwood (Ed.). Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 26, 342-343.
• Warren, R. E. Antonym and synonym encoding, Psychonomic Society Meeting, 1979.
• Warren, R. E., Warren, N. T., Green, J. P., & Bresnick, J. H. Multiple semantic encoding of homophones and homographs in contexts biasing dominant or subordinate meanings. Memory & Cognition, 1978, 6, 364-371.
• Warren, R. E., Green, J. P. & Bresnick, J. H. Activation of antonyms and synonyms in semantic memory. Psychonomic Society Meeting, 1977.
• Warren, R. E. The time course of antonym and synonym encoding. American Psychological Association Meeting, 1977.
• Warren, R. E., & Brunson, S. Numerosity determinations and the semantic structure of memory. Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, 1977.
• Warren, R. E., Bresnick, J. H. & Green, J. P. Definitional dominance distributions for 20 English homographs. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1977, 10, 229-231.
• Warren, R. E. Time and the spread of activation in memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Memory and Learning, 1977, 3, 458-466.
• Warren, R. E., Warren, N. T. Homophone meaning dominance and the dual encoding hypothesis. Psychonomic Society Meeting, 1976.
• Warren, R. E. The time course of semantic activation in lexical memory. American Psychological Association Meeting, 1976.
• Warren, R. E. and Warren, N. T. Dual semantic encoding of homographs and homophones embedded in context. Memory & Cognition, 1976, 4, 586-592.
• Warren, R. E. Into memory and out again: A review of "Human Memory: Structures and Processes" by R. L. Klatzky. Contemporary Psychology, 1976, 21, 467-468.
• Warren, R. E. & Hess, M. On the representation of certain digit sequences in memory. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1975, 6, 213-215.
• Warren, R. E. & Warren, N. T. Dual encoding of homographs embedded in context. Psychonomic Society Meeting, 1975.
• Warren, R. E. & Lasher, M. D. Interference in a type-face variant of the Stroop task. Perception & Psychophysics, 1974,15, 128-130.
• Warren, R. E. Norms of restricted color association. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1974, 4, 37-38.
• Warren, R. E. Association, directionality and stimulus encoding. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1974, 102, 151-158.
• Warren, R. E. Review of "The American Heritage Word Frequency Book" by J. B. Carroll, P. Davies , B. Richman. American Journal of Psychology, 1973, 86, 207.
• Warren, R. E. Norms of free association to category names and category exemplars. JSAS, Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 1973, 3, 77.
• Warren, R. E. Stimulus encoding and memory, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1972, 94, 90-100.
• Posner, M. I. & Warren, R. E. Traces, concepts and conscious constructions, in A. W. Melton & E. Martin (Eds.), Coding Processes in Human Memory, Washington, D. C.: Winston, 1972.
• Warren, R. E. Short-term memory for simultaneous digits. Western Psychological Association, 1968.
© 2009 Robert E. Warren