Warren Family History Research Pages

Husband: Joseph H. Osmon
Born: 30 MAR 1869 at: Kendall County, Illinois Married: 17 SEP 1890 at: Morris, Grundy County, Illinois Died: 20 OCT 1946 at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Wife: Martha Cecelia Marvick
Born: 04 AUG 1869 at: Nettle Creek, Grundy County, Illinois Died: 1967 at: Father:Syvert Osmundson Marvig Mother:Laurense Oline Johannesdtr Naadland Other Spouses:
Name: Viola Osmon Born: 13 DEC 1892 at: Morris, Grundy County, Illinois Married: 28 NOV 1912 at: Died: 1960 at: Spouses: Ray Edward Bannon
Name: Living Osmon Born: at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Living Osmon Born: at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:

The information on these pages represents my current knowledge. If you have new or different information, or if you see mistakes, please let me know by clicking the email link above.

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